A Good Night’s Sleep does Wonders!

Baby slept through the night last night… and so did I!  Boy do we feel good this morning!  Both a little stiff, of course, but happy and clear headed.

Baby never cries or whimpers, I would just get this strange feeling during the night of being stared at.  When I opened my eyes she would be sitting there, just staring at me.  Being a 155 lb mastiff, her large head was nose to nose with me.  Startling to say the least.  I’m so glad she’s sleeping through again!

Off to school to use my dog training techniques on my Jr. High kids. ….. Sit, Stay, No Talk, Wait, etc.


Baby’s still doing great – why am I a basket case?

Baby’s healing beautifully.  Still draining more than I like, but getting around well and we’re seeing little improvements every day.  She gets her stitches out Saturday.  For some reason I’m in a panic about her making it through this week without infection or something happening.  I’m not usually a negative person, but this is turning me into a worrier…big time!  Anybody else have this reaction?  Maybe it’s lack of sleep.  I’m still listening for any little movement.  Then I teach Jr. High kids all day!  Recipe for a breakdown!

So much for my little pity party.   I’ll post happier next time.

Day 7 – Baby’s so much better!

Every day is improvement!  Baby is getting more comfortable being a ‘hopper’.  Boy she’s fast.  When she decides to go outside we really have to move to keep up with her!  She’s’ so happy to be able to get back on her couch.  (Most tripawders recommend staying off the couch which is very good advice, but a dog as large as Baby is not jumping down off the couch, she just sort of steps down.)  This site has been so great to help us through this time!  I’m learning so much.   Thanks for all the advice and support!


Baby’s a ‘me do it’ girl.

When we got Baby home and out of the car I thought I would ‘help’ while she used the yard.  I stood on the right side and had the harness handle and walked beside her.  She promptly sat down and didn’t move.  As soon as I let go of the handle, she got up and went off by herself.  I stayed close enough to help if needed, but she really wanted to do things by herself.  It was a sleepless night for me (thanks for all the warnings of  what to expect), but I think she’s going to do well.